4. DiscountsΒΆ
Now under a new management, sales at FATEC will have a 10% discount!
For this, a fatec.py module will be created
Initially, the discount will be 10% for all sandwiches

from banco import *
from fatec import *
items = ["Sfiha","Cocina","Pastel","Pan de queso"]
prices = [1.50,2.20,1.80,1.20]
running = True
while running:
option = 1
for choice in items:
print(str(option) + "." + choice)
option += 1
print(str(option) + ".Finish")
choice = int(input("Choose an option"))
if choice == option:
# Chose the last option - "Finish"
running = False
card_number = input("Credit card number: ")
price = discount(prices[choice-1])
save_transaction(price, card_number, items[choice-1])
We will have an additional 50% discount for cakes due to the Japanese colony
New japa.py module

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