Quiz - 10

Develop the function how_many_donuts that takes n, a positive integer, as a parameter, and returns a string in the form of "Number of donuts: n", where n is the value passed to the function as an argument. However, if n >= 10, how_many_donuts will return "many" instead of n.

how_many_donuts(5) -> "Number of donuts: 5"
how_many_donuts(23) -> "Number of donuts: many"

Develop the function chain_of_extremes that, given a string s, returns a string with the first two and last two letters of s. However, if the string has less than 2 letters, it returns an empty string.

chain_of_extremes("palms") -> "pams"
chain_of_extremes("a") -> ""

Develop the function replace_first_character that, given a string s, returns a string in which all occurrences of the first character in s are replaced by “*”, except for the first one. Note: use the method .replace(value_to_replace, new_value) to solve the exercise.

replace_first_character("google") -> "goo*le"
replace_first_character("donut") -> "donut"

Develop the function combine_two_chains that takes two strings as arguments, a and b, and returns a new string in the following way:

  • The new string has to be a combination of a and b.

  • The new string will have the form "<a> <b>", note the space between both.

  • The new string will interchange the first two letters of a and b.

Suppose that a and b have more than 2 characters. For better clarification, see the following examples.

combine_two_chains("mix", "pod") -> "pox mid"
combine_two_chains("pezzy", "firm") -> "fizzy perm"

Develop the function is_palindrome that takes a string s as parameter and checks if s is a palindrome or not, returning True or False accordingly.

is_palindrome("ivi") -> True
is_palindrome("civil") -> False

Develop the function count_occurrences that takes two parameters: phrase and word, both of type string. The function should return the number of times that word occurs in phrase.

count_occurrences("ana and mariana like amanatsu", "ana") -> 3

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