1. Web Development¶
1.1. Requests and Responses¶

“Python: the only language with more web frameworks than keywords”
Frameworks: Plone, Django, Web2py, Pyramid
Micro Frameworks: CherryPy, Bottle, Flask
WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)
Access patterns and communication between web servers and Python applications
Not J2EE ;-)
1.2. Web2py¶
InfoWorld: best full-stack Python framework
Bossie: Best Open Source Development Software
Model: data
Controllers: business rules
Views: presentation
Self-contained == full-stack framework
DAL (Data Access Layer)
Fast deployment and easy distribution
Python Principles
DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself
There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.
Explicit is better than implicit (doesn’t follow)
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