Quiz - 9

Develop the function near_ten that receives an integer n and returns True when n is a multiple of 10, or when n is one or two units away from it. Otherwise, return False.

near_ten(12) -> True
near_ten(17) -> False
near_ten(19) -> True

Develop a function called “suma_loca” that receives three integers “a”, “b”, and “c”. The function must return the sum of the three numbers with the condition that if any number appears twice, it will not be counted in the sum.

suma_loca(1, 2, 3) -> 6
suma_loca(3, 2, 3) -> 2
suma_loca(3, 3, 3) -> 0

Develop the function called “suma_con_suerte” that receives three integers “a”, “b”, and “c”. The function must return the sum of the three numbers with the condition that if one of the numbers is 13, it won’t count in the sum, as well as all the numbers to its right.

suma_con_suerte(1, 2, 3) -> 6
suma_con_suerte(1, 2, 13) -> 3
suma_con_suerte(1, 13, 3) -> 1

Develop the function called “caracteres_dobles” that receives a string “s” and should return the original string duplicated.

caracteres_dobles('The') -> "TThhee"
caracteres_dobles('AAbb') -> "AAAAbbbb"
caracteres_dobles('Hi-There') -> "HHii--TThheerree"

Develop the function count_greeting which receives a string s as a parameter and returns the number of times the string "hello" appears in s.

count_greeting ("abc hello ho") -> 1
count_greeting ("ABChello hello") -> 2
count_greeting ("hellohello") -> 2

Develop the function cat_dog which receives a string s as a parameter and returns True if the string "cat" and the string "dog" appear the same number of times in the string s or returns False otherwise. | br | | br | Examples:
cat_dog ("catdog") -> True
cat_dog ("catcat") -> False
cat_dog ("1cat1dog") -> True

Develop the function count_code which receives a string s as a parameter and returns the number of times the string "code" appears in s, but with the condition that the letter 'd' can be exchanged for any other letter. Thus, the strings "coze" and "coze" should be counted equally.

count_code("aaacodebbb") -> 1
count_code("codexxcode") -> 2
count_code("cozexxcope") -> 2

Knowing that the function lower() converts the characters of a string to lowercase. Develop a function called end_equals that receives two strings a and b as parameters. The function will return True if the string b is found at the end of string a or if the string a is found at the end of string b.

end_equals("Hiabc", "abc") -> True
end_equals("AbC", "HiaBc") -> True
end_equals("abc", "abXabc") -> True

Develop the function count_pairs that receives a list numbers of integers and returns the number of even numbers in the list.

count_pairs([2, 1, 2, 3, 4]) -> 3
count_pairs([2, 2, 0]) -> 3
count_pairs([1, 3, 5]) -> 0

Develop the function `` suma_con_mas_suerte ‘’ that receives a list `` numbers ‘’ of integers and returns the sum of the numbers in the list with the condition that if one of the numbers is ** 13 ** , this is not counted in the sum as well as all numbers that are to its right. | br | | br | Examples: | br | `` suma_con_mas_suerte ([1, 2, 2, 1]) ‘’ -> `` 6 ‘’ | br | `` suma_con_mas_suerte ([1, 1]) ‘’ -> `` 2 ‘’ | br | `` suma_con_mas_suerte ([1, 2, 13, 1, 13]) ‘’ -> `` 3 ‘’ | br | `` suma_con_mas_suerte ([13, 1, 2, 3, 4]) ‘’ -> `` 0 ‘’ | br |

Develop the function tiene_2 that receives a list numeros of integers as parameter and returns True if there are two consecutive equal numbers in the list, and False otherwise.

tiene_2([1, 2, 2]) -> True
tiene_2([1, 2, 1, 2]) -> False
tiene_2([2, 1, 2]) -> False

Develop the function suma_en_lista that receives two parameters, an integer n and a list numeros of numbers. The function should return True if there are two different elements in the list whose sum is n, and False otherwise.

suma_en_lista(5, [1, 2, 3, 4]) -> True
suma_en_lista(9, [1, 2, 3, 4]) -> False
suma_en_lista(0, [1, 2, 3, 4]) -> False
suma_en_lista(8, [1, 2, 3, 4]) -> False
suma_en_lista(4, [2, 2, 2, 2]) -> False
suma_en_lista(4, [2, 2, 1, 3]) -> True

In a construction it is desired to build a row of bricks. There are small bricks and large bricks. Small bricks are 1 unit in length while large bricks are 5 units in length. Develop the function build_row which receives three parameters, num_small_bricks, num_large_bricks, and row_length. These parameters are integer numbers that represent the quantity of small bricks, quantity of large bricks, and the length of the row you want to build, respectively. The function must return True if it is possible to build the row, or False otherwise.

build_row(3, 1, 8) -> True
Explanation: To build a length of 8 meters, 1 large brick and 3 small bricks would be used.
Therefore: 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 = 8

build_row(3, 1, 9) -> False
Explanation: To build a length of 9 meters it wouldn’t be possible because there are only 3 small bricks (1 meter in length) and 1 large brick (5 meters in length).
Therefore: 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 < 9 in this case 1 large brick and 4 small bricks would be needed.

build_row(3, 2, 10) -> True
Explanation: To fill a length of 10 meters, only the 2 available large bricks would be used.
Therefore: 5 + 5 = 10

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